We are a fellowship oriented body and not program driven. This does not mean that we are opposed to programs of any kind, but rather that we believe that the main operation of the body should not rely upon programing for its motivation but should flow out of genuine care and concern for the body as well as a sincere desire to uplift Christ as the head of the church. We believe that the ministries listed here reflect that philosophy. In addition to these ministries we have several other fellowships,retreats and activities throughout the year which are not listed and we remain open to any and all biblical ministry opportunities which will move us toward those goals. If you have a burden to use your gifts in a way which will expand or enhance the ministries of CBCG please contact us.
-Worship Services- AM service on the Lord's day (Sunday). Service includes the singing of Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, prayer, Scripture reading, sharing of testimonies, collection of tithes and offerings, and expository preaching from God's Word. Service may include special musical presentations, observance of the Lord's supper, or missionary reports. A nursery is available for small children, however we are a family friendly church and encourage parents to allow their children to participate in worship with us.
-Fellowship Groups- Men and Ladies fellowship meetings are sporadically scheduled. These provide an opportunity to gather with other brothers or sisters respectively and encourage one another as men or ladies. These are more loosely structured and informal gatherings that may include light refreshments, a devotional challenge or study geared toward the appropriate sex, a time of humor, a group project or any number of other edifying activities.
-Family Nights- These special nights are scheduled frequently throughout the year to encourage the spiritual edification of our families as a whole. Many times these are scheduled on Sunday evenings. These evenings usually include a meal or refreshments, family friendly entertainment and a theme. Sometimes a devotional challenge will also be included.
-Mid-Week Prayer and Bible Study - A time of Bible study and corporate prayer held each Wednesday evening. This typically includes singing of some hymns and/or choruses and sharing of prayer requests and praises with the body. Then we engage in a topical or systematic study in the Bible followed by a time of prayer usually in smaller groups.